Leaving a mark
Digital Fusion’s work has made an impact reaching out millions with groundbreaking ideas.
DFI’s vision of “bringing access to advanced entertainment to all” drives its ability to create successful interactive products with user-friendly interfaces for millions of users worldwide to enjoy.
Graphic stories that
become cultural landmarks
Comic Books are a cornerstone of Pepe Moreno's illustrious career. Pepe's work has been published extensively throughout the world in magazines such as METAL HURLANT, L'ECHO DES SAVANES in Europe, as well as EERIE, VAMPIRELLA, HEAVY METAL and EPIC MAGAZINE in the United States. He championed “Graphic Novels” in the U.S beginning with REBEL, followed by the worldwide releases of JOE'S AIR FORCE, GENE KONG, GENERATION ZERO, and ZEPPELIN.
Games created
for all to enjoy
Beginning in 1993 with the ground-breaking success of HELL CAB, DIGITAL FUSION INC (DFI) established a reputation for it’s simple and easy-to-play arcade style games. A guiding principle for the company ever since has been the creation and implementation of user friendly interfaces accessible to all.